Moree Pre-School Inc.

explore imagine create play


Funding received from the State Government meets a proportion of our operating costs. This funding is allocated to children who are 4yrs or older by the 31st July in the current year. Children who turn 4 yrs from 1st August in the current year are not funded unless they are from a low income, Aboriginal or Torres Strait background. Fees are therefore an essential part of our budget. These fees are subject to change. The committee does endeavour to keep these fees down and will advise you, the parents, when and if, an increase is necessary at least 2 weeks before a proposed change.

Included in your enrolment package is a fee agreement for you to indicate how you wish to pay your fees, please ensure this is returned to the service along with your enrolment forms.  Pre-School currently receives Start Strong Fee Relief from the NSW Governement.  Declaration form must be filled in for all families in regards to this fee relief.

Parents will be sent an account for each term. Accounts and fee summary statements go out 3-4 weeks before the commencement of the next term. Fees are due within two (2) weeks of the invoice date unless they are being paid weekly or fortnightly. All fees must be finalised at the end of each term. Fees can be placed in the Fees Box located inside the Preschool entry foyer, be posted or paid by direct deposit to the Preschool.

Fee Structure 2024

Fees are as follows for 2024.

  • $2.50 – 3-5 year old equity children
  • $12.50 – non equity children 4-5 year olds (must be 4 by 31st July in current year)
  • $12.50 – 3-4 year olds (those children who are 3 and turn 4 from 1st August in the current year)
  • Annual Subscription - $11.55 incl GST

Want More Info?

Click the link below to download our information handbook

Download Handbook

Or if you would like to know more you can Contact us here

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Mission Statement

We aspire to uphold the rights of the child, ensuring that we cater to the whole child in terms of wellness and wellbeing and understanding that children have a voice and need to be heard.

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